Remind me.

To people who never stop dreaming:

If there's one belief of mine that is important for me to share with you: if you believe in something enough, you won't fail. If you believe in something - really believe in something - please don't ever give up on it. No matter how immense the challenge, no matter how twisted the path gets, you won't fail at this life. It might not always be easy to believe, but nothing can stop you; failure only exists when you accept its existance. You may not forsee the exact form your success will take, but when the dust settles, it will be revealed. I truly believe that moment will be yours.

And please help me to remember, too. In those tired moments, when the inevitable repeats itself, and my insane ambitions seem to stretch me in infinite directions, making my soul feel like a paper-thin layer of ice, please remind ME of this: success can take many forms, but only I will know the right one for me, no matter how many voices might proclaim otherwise. And the voices are so loud, and so many, and sometimes leave me feeling so alone. In those moments, please lend me yourvoice, and remind me to never give up, because the things I believe in are worth it. And I promise I will do the same for you.

A quote I remember from a Buddhist poster back in the Calhoun's days: "We are here to bring each other home."


Lotus rises quote.


Drifting in the deep.